What To Expect In Your Hotel WiFi Survey

Is your hospitality business thinking of upgrading its WiFi network? Before a communications provider will design your new WiFi package, they’ll send their specialists to conduct a WiFi site survey. Find out what to expect during a typical survey and how the findings will help plan the perfect WiFi network for your hotel:

Why Do You Need A WiFi Survey?

A WiFi survey is a professional audit that examines your existing WiFi system and looks for any challenges, restrictions, opportunities and more that may feature in your new planned network. This stage of planning is important because it ensures that your new hotel network will perform to your exact requirements.

What Will Your Wireless Survey Examine?

Your wireless survey will take into account a number of factors including finding faults in your existing networks, your required coverage, any obstacles to signals such as walls, physical infrastructure such as devices and more.

The consultation session will also be used to find out more about your business needs for your new survey, including the number of devices you will need, the number of rooms you’ll need coverage in, whether you have the appropriate software implemented, which manufacturers you’d prefer to use and more. It’s the perfect chance to ensure that the network we go on to design meets all of your requirements and can cater for your volume of guests without experiencing issues.

Why Is Good Wireless Important For Your Hotel?

WiFi performance is vital for your hotel for a number of reasons. For many guests, WiFi connectivity is a huge factor when picking a hotel to stay in – and if your WiFi doesn’t meet expectations then they may not return. WiFi is also important for general business operations – including your content management systems and entertainment equipment. Without a strong WiFi network, your hotel may be impacted during day-to-day activities.

Book Your WiFi Consultation Today

If you’re thinking of upgrading your network today, then get in touch with our team to book your appointment! Once you’ve made an enquiry our specialists will arrange to conduct a full consultation and examine your existing infrastructure and capabilities before producing a report with full recommendations for the design of your new wireless package. To find out more get in touch with our team by calling 01872 561 656 or filling out our contact form online!